(Click on the image to open the magazine in pdf)
(English – Czech Version)
This issue is about Chinese Bridges in the area of the river Yangtze.
Broad description of bridges across the river Yangtze in cooperation with Chinese colleagues (who we thank for excellent cooperation):
- Jiangyin Bridge – first suspension bridge in Jiangsu with main span over 1 000 metres
- Taizhou Bridge – first suspension bridge with three pylons
- Nanjing 4th Bridge – suspension bridge with main span 1 418 metres
- Nanjing 2nd Bridge – cable-stayed bridge with main span 628 metres
- Nanjing 3rd Bridge – cable-stayed bridge with main span 648 metres
- Eyes of Nanjing
- Runyang Bridge – construction of the bridge + Czech-English article about ground freezing method used for anchorage block of the pylon (the article has been published only in Czech language so far)
Translation of an article from the magazine Structural Engineering International about Jiangjin Guanyinyan Yangtze River Bridge.
We thank IABSE for granting us permission that we might translate and publish the article.